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Sant Cerni de Nagol

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Sant Cerni de Nagol

Sant Cerni de Nagol

Sant Cerni de Nagol church from the 11th century in Romanesque style, was built slightly before the consecration ceremony in 1055. It offers us unbeatable views of the Sant Julià de Lòria valley, and the imposing Rocafort mountain.
If you enjoy the views, right next to the church you can find the Mirador de Sant Cerni de Nagol, along with information related to the main mountains, fauna and flora of the area.
On the other hand, if what you like is hiking, do not hesitate to do one of the most popular routes in Andorra with low difficulty; the Tomb Lauredià, which offers incredible views, and at the same time, it allows you to know the small towns that belong to the parish.

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Sant Cerni de Nagol
Sant Cerni de Nagol

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Maybe you've never heard of the Tamarros before, maybe you have. Whether you've heard of them or not, now you have the chance to discover them and give them a helping hand.

Aquest éssers entremaliats, meitat llegenda i meitat imaginació popular, viuen en el seu món particular. Pel que sabem, a Andorra n’hi ha almenys set. Són molt difícils de veure perquè, a més de moure’s molt, molt ràpidament, saben fer-ho sense fer-se notar gens ni mica. A totes aquestes dificultats cal afegir-hi que només surten del seu món quan els necessitem.

There is one very important thing you need to know about the Tamarros, which is that they protect the nature and the forests of Andorra.

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